Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
-Nelson Mandela

The human brain is infinite in its capabilities. Maximizing the potential of the brain is one of the most important, if not the most important decision anyone can make. The brain creates the eyes through which we see the world and process Life. It is the most critical component of our most important life skill: decision making.

As we decide, so we become.

Pathways to Excellence has been in development for nearly four decades. Application of the program will increase intelligence, energy and focus. The following are the three primary principles upon which the program has been developed and structured:

  1. The mind is reactionary in nature.   As information hits the brain, the brain automatically responds according to its preprogrammed tendencies. These tendencies can be anatomically created, the result of life’s experiences, or a combination of both.  Absent some strategy to overcome these tendencies, the brain will continue to function in a reactionary manner.
  2. The reactionary mind can be controlled and reprogrammed. Thinking individuals have the power to create frameworks through which to process information.  Carefully selected frameworks which are used properly will result in an enormous stabilization of how the brain interprets and processes information, and will dramatically decrease the reactionary nature of the brain.  By utilizing the same framework for decision making as well as processing, the focus and stabilization of the mind increase exponentially.
  3. The brain is a muscle.  All principles applicable to the strengthening and conditioning of other muscles apply with full force to the brain. These include such basics as tearing down tissue, appropriate intervals for rest, creating a solid mental base from which to function, and being able to take the mind to greater heights at designated times by the application of the same principles an athlete would employ before the big race or fight, or any other similar endeavor.

Exploring and developing the mind, improving as an individual, and the commitment to both, are challenges unlike any others. Those who undertake them in earnest are insured of an unimaginable adventure. This Program is designed to assist individuals in that endeavor by delineating specific steps which insure success. The systems presented have been extensively and successfully tested in diverse, challenging professional settings, as well as personally. Knowing that excellence is within everyone's grasp, enables me to wake up each day enthusiastic to immerse myself in a process and system I believe gives me a very real opportunity to achieve that goal.

Content which appears on this site is a heavily edited version of the original text, providing the basic principles of the Program in a reader friendly format. Thereafter, should the reader desire to utilize the specific steps provided to improve intellect, energy, and focus, he or she can access the original @ www.4pte.com. That site also provides a detailed approach for dealing with children who have been abused, neglected, incarcerated or are otherwise at risk.

The material on both websites is available to anyone who wants to read it and/or use it. There is no fee for the use of this information for personal, non commercial purposes. Helping people achieve positive results is the purpose for which it was produced.